Why Is This Happening… AGAIN?!
Why is This Happening…Again? [dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #6b2d6b;”]H[/dropcap]ow many times have you said that in your life? Perhaps it was around relationships, friendships, health, or work. Do you ever find that in one, maybe two, areas of your life you seem to see the same pattern happening? Most of us have patterns in our…

Why Are You So Negative?
Why Are You So Negative? Ever said that to yourself? Everywhere you look there are articles, videos, and advertisements stating the need to shut off our negative thoughts and be more positive. While I am all about viewing life from the perspective of “what you can do” versus “what you can’t do,” I also understand that…

Do You Lead or Manage?
Are Leading or just Managing? More than two million workers say their bosses are so overworked they don’t really have time to manage their staff properly. 75% of people wished they had another job. 80% of people never use their greatest gifts at work. Pretty sad facts. Guess what? They more than likely apply to…

What’s the Big Deal About Women?
Women are better executives than men. Yep, I just said it. Now, I’ll back it up! According to Business Insider women rank at 54.5 percent in “Overall Leadership Effectiveness,” with men ranking 51.8 percent. Business Insider, “Overall Female Effectiveness” increases significantly after the age of 40. Yet… According to Forbes Inc. women currently hold 4.6…