We are built to succeed – March 9 Radio Show

Jenna hosts an online radio show—Our Leading Edge—every 2nd and 4th Monday at 2 pm EST/11 am PST. Conversations that inspire women to lead with alignment, passion and purpose. Stretch yourself to a new level as you Learn, Grow and Expand. In this episode Jenna discusses how we the human race have forgotten or perhaps…

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Our Stories Create Stress

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #6b2d6b;”]W[/dropcap] e’ve all felt it, the looming deadline, the quarterly reports, the employee reviews that should have happened last week.  Pressure… it’s there, it feels very real, and it’s affecting us whether we want to admit it or not. With up to 90% of doctor visits related to stress and a…

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Build Resiliency for a Better Life

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #6b2d6b;”]A[/dropcap]s the New Year hits, most of us turn to recapping the year behind us, then setting goals for the year to come. Goals are fantastic as they help us set a direction. If you don’t know where you are trying to go, how do you ever know if you get…

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Why Aren’t You Listening To ME?

[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #6b2d6b;”]A[/dropcap]theme has popped with my clients this week and it is all about communication. As human beings we find ourselves in constant relationship with others.  Many times those relationships are thriving and sometimes they are clearly not. When you bring this dynamic into the workplace, or our homes, we find ourselves…

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Why Are You So Negative?

Why Are You So Negative? Ever said that to yourself? Everywhere you look there are articles, videos, and advertisements stating the need to shut off our negative thoughts and be more positive.  While I am all about viewing life from the perspective of “what you can do” versus “what you can’t do,”  I also understand that…

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Do You Lead or Manage?

Are Leading or just Managing? More than two million workers say their bosses are so overworked they don’t really have time to manage their staff properly. 75% of people wished they had another job. 80% of people never use their greatest gifts at work. Pretty sad facts. Guess what? They more than likely apply to…

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