Thoughts and Emotions are Connected!
Behind every emotion that you feel, there’s a thought or a belief

Stop Living Your Life by Assumption!
Changing the way we approach our work and lives by becoming awake, evolved and to thrive!
How mindfulness can bring us back to our best selves.

When Will You Be Good Enough?
A common feeling for many of us that has an enormous affect on how we show up in this world.

The Importance of Small Opportunities – Even When You Miss Them!
Emotional leadership and how we can begin to use our emotions to influence, move, lead and guide others.

Thriving With The Right Attitude!
Learn how to open the door way of your success by having the right attitude.

What about YOU? The importance of self care
You have one life, are you living or are you ALIVE?
What is Self Care?
Why is it important?