Thoughts and Emotions are Connected!
Behind every emotion that you feel, there’s a thought or a belief

The Inner Game!
The Inner Game!
True achievement and the feeling of fulfillment comes when you do things because you believe in them not because you are afraid of what might happen if you don’t!

New Years Resolution, What a Farce!
New Years Resolution, What a Farce!
Did you know that most resolutions end up as shame, guilt or self disgust?
Take a listen as Drayton and I discuss a new way of reaching the outcomes or goals you are looking for.

The Shadow Side of Leadership!
There is so much information available on how to become a better leader.
Join myself and Greg Styles as we discuss what leaders should STOP doing!

Stop Living Your Life by Assumption!
Changing the way we approach our work and lives by becoming awake, evolved and to thrive!
How mindfulness can bring us back to our best selves.

Are You Well Connected?
You are connected, you are having an affect, you have influence, you make a contribution.
How well you do that is up to you!