Learning to Love and Accept Who You Are!
Join Jenna Forster and Philip Be’er, in Ladysmith, for an eight-week mastery course in Inter-Personal Relationships

Over the course of eight weeks, you’ll have the opportunity to examine your relationships through a lens of compassion, connection and love.
Experience Deep Understanding and Total Respect for Your Privacy
You’ll discover how it feels to be fully supported and heard. This intimate study group is meeting every Thursday evening, from April 27th, 2017 until June 15th, 2017, 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
A respected Leadership Coach and Author residing in Ladysmith
Jenna Forster
Author of “Learning to Love – Your Guide to Personal Empowerment”
Philip Be'er
Within this supportive circle we will explore the impact that Attachment; Isolation and our unknown Behavioural Loop Patterns have on our lives, and what we can do to master each of our inter-personal relationships. You will learn those automated emotional and behavioural responses driving your compulsive thoughts, habits, volatile reactions and why you fall in love. You will understand how to connect better with your children, parents, partners, co-workers, friends and most importantly yourself!
The group is intended for adults who are in a relationship or single. Our curriculum examines relationships between adults; between parents and children; and between the ‘You’ that others are permitted to see and the ‘Real You’.
Based on "The Learning to Love Curriculum" this eight-week course addresses most of these topics:
- Conditional Acceptance – Conditional Love;
- Irrational Behaviour;
- Feelings and Thoughts are Related;
- Vulnerability;
- Connect OR Die;
- Fight or Flight;
- Cellular Memory - Post-Traumatic Stress;
- Persistent Patterns and Emotional Habits;
- Behavioural Loops;
- Belonging;
- Need for Connection - Fear of losing connection;
- Futility;
- Love = Accepted + Connected + Understood;
- Control;
- Community;
- Judgement;
- Emotional Self-Defense;
- Psyche Attacks Itself like an Auto-Immune Disease;
- Shame;
- Aspirational Shadow;
- Soothing;
- ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’; ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’; ‘Safe’ and ‘Unsafe’;
- Generation to Generation;
- Loss of Identity and Core Wounding;
- Follow Your Reactions to Reveal Unconscious Patterns;
- Emotions are Our First Line of Psychological Defense;
- Unconditional Self-Acceptance;
- The “Love Comes from Outside of Me” Delusion;
- Love vs. Isolation;
J. Ladysmith
Interested in self discovery... consider gifting yourself with this local opportunity. I'm feeling gratitude for the chance to notice some of my patterns and learn the science behind my thought processes. Fascinating and life enriching. Thanks Jenna Forster and Philip for sharing your wisdom.
G. Ladysmith
Amazing and life changing course.
J. Ladysmith
Philip Be'er and Jenna Forster... thanks for offering this course. As a currant participant, I'm appreciating the opportunity to get curious about myself and how I relate to others. There is a great balance between digging deeper into our own personal stories and learning the science behind our decision making/ relational living processes.
More great tools for my tool box. -
M. Coombs
I took this course. The insight looking at my darkness/shadow side and transforming how I view my "perceived" flaws was amazing. Taking a look at my insecurities as a parent and human in interpersonal relationships was transformed from guilt and isolation to strength and validation and........ Community...... I no longer question if I'm good enough. I know I am. I have truly released myself from the "behavioural loops" that held me back from moving forward and claiming the life I want.... Acknowledging the life I have created and how very far I have come. I am released from shame and guilt of doubts and past "learning lessons" vs "mistakes." I am a good mother, advocate, woman and potential partner for someone when the time arrives.
Learning to Love and Accept
Who You Are!
April 27th, 2017 to June 15th, 2017
Thursdays - 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Until 2017-04-09 - $399.00*
After 2017-04-09 - $449.00*
Click on the image (below) to register ...
*Full Money-Back Guarantee if you feel dissatisfied.
*Valid until completion of session on May 3, 2017.
*$40 transaction cancellation fee for online refunds applies.
(Up to 12 spaces are available)
(Installment plan available)
Please complete the brief questionnaire that will be emailed to you upon completion of your registration.
In the interest of group cohesion and safety, the course facilitators reserve the right to deny an individual’s participation in the course, prior to or during this course.
Please contact Philip Be'er directly at 778~~235~~2990 or by email philip[who is at]b-loops.com if you have any questions.